Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
42,000 sf exterior; 6,000 sf interior
Stoltz Real Estate Partners

2300 Chestnut Street Interior & Exterior Improvements

The Sheward Partnership was commissioned by Stoltz Real Estate Partners to improve the exterior and common interior spaces of our longtime home at 2300 Chestnut Street. Built in 1911 as three adjoining truck dealership and repair facilities, 2300 Chestnut had last been renovated in the 1980s when it was converted to office use. Updates both functional and aesthetic were long overdue. Façade stabilization scope included repair and recoating of brick, terracotta, and sandstone masonry with material specific coating systems while sealing all joints between masonry and original copper spandrels and existing aluminum storefront glazing. Removal of dated elements such as fabric awnings and granite accents at the pedestrian level (and the restoration of the exposed construction) was a priority for the aesthetic upgrades. The façade of the building was further enhanced by the development and implementation of an updated color palette respecting both the original building materials as well as recent interior lobby renovations. Upgrades to the entrance included new ornamental building identification signage and upgraded lighting. The scope of the interior work included the front lobby, circulation corridors, and all common public restrooms on all four floors of the building. The goal of the design team was to highlight the original character of the building as a distinctive historical building with unique charm and appeal, drawing from the utilitarian components of the building. The lobby was completed with an eye-catching living green wall installation that greets building tenants and guests as they enter.