Charlotte, North CarolinaArea:
420,000 square feetCost:
$120 millionOwner:
U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsArchitect:
RPA DesignBenchmark:
LEED SilverServices:
LEED Project Management & Daylight ModelingAwards:
2016 ENR Southeast Best Project Awards - Award of MeritTags:
Veterans Affairs Health Care Center
The Sheward Partnership was commissioned by RPA Design to provide the exterior envelope design for the new Veterans Affairs Health Care Center. The new five-story structure provides a high-performance healing environment, while creating a warm, inviting atmosphere for veterans and their families. The Sheward Partnership also served as the LEED and Sustainability Consultant guiding the achievement of Silver certification under the LEED 2009 for Healthcare Rating System. This project is one of the first LEED for Healthcare projects in the country, and the first for the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.