Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaArea:
14,000 square feetCost:
$5.8 millionOwner:
The School District of PhiladelphiaTags:
Mayfair Elementary School
The Sheward Partnership was commissioned by the School District of Philadelphia to design a combination addition and renovation of Mayfair Elementary School, located in Northeast Philadelphia. The new addition comprises 12 new classrooms and additional student restroom facilities. The school’s existing cafeteria and kitchen was expanded and renovated to accommodate a growing student population. The expanded cafeteria allows the school to provide lunches over fewer sessions and permits cooking on site, which promotes a wider meal choice and healthier food options. This project’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability is evident throughout its design. All regularly occupied areas receive day-long natural light and views to the exterior. Each addition also boasts high-efficiency and long-lasting LED light fixtures, reducing both energy and maintenance costs.